LPG VOT - Vapor Off Take

The liquid is converted to vapour naturally inside the cylinder at ambient temperature and is discharged out through a VOT cylinder valve & used for fueling burners. These are the normal type of cylinders which you would find in your homes, restaurants and other small commercial establishments. In this process, the vapour which is naturally converted inside the cylinder is sucked out and used for your applications.

The rate at which liquid LPG is naturally converted into LPG vapour is approximately around 0.4 to 0.7 kgs/hr. The exact amount depends upon a few factors like ambient temperature, size of cylinders, size of valve etc. The rate at which you can consume LPG from these type of cylinders is also the same as the naturally converted rate. These cylinders are generally available in the sizes of 5 kg, 14 kg, 17 kg, 19 kg, 21 kg, 33 kg, 47.5 kg from different service providers.


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